Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Moment when Not Enough is Enough

"Am I thin enough? My skin is definitely too pale. Do I have too much muscle? My hair's too light, he must be into brunettes. My eyes are the wrong color. Can't my stomach get any flatter? Why isn't me skin smooth? Can't my hair stay in place for more than a minute? How could somebody every really like someone like me?"

Male or female, this list represents the general thoughts that all too often rage through our minds. It's who we are on the outside that matters most. The mentality is:"You have a great personality! Awesome - that'll get you nowhere."

Attraction is key. It sells; no doubt about that. Put a beautiful woman in a mediocre movie, and more people want to see it. Put a handsome man on the cover of a magazine, sold!

We've come to a place where outward beauty is so much more valued than the inward. Look good to be successful, make money, be happy and satisfied, that's the theory isn't it? When did we become so shallow minded?

Good looks can make you successful, and they can bring in the green, but money will never make you truly happy or satisfied.

I've come to point in my life where I know this now, but what if I never did? Where would I be?

If there was one thing I could tell my younger self it would be:
"Be kind, be generous, be loving, be forgiving, be funny, be joyful, be charismatic, be a little weird, be sassy, be intelligent, be daring, be passionate, be exactly who God made YOU to be and true beauty will follow."

Who you are on the outside will never be enough, and the moment you realize that and focus on who are on the inside you will become enough. Enough for God, enough for you, enough for your family, your friends and enough for your future husband (or wife).

Focus on the inside and the outside will follow suit.

PS Nobody ever wanted to read an empty book.